Classifieds are for members and nonmembers to post positions, opportunities, and for sale items at member and non-member pricing.
The WVAOP Annual Sponsor program was created to enhance the relationship between West Virginia Optometrists and companies that are supporters of the profession of Optometry.


Benefits of regular comprehensive eye exams reinforced in analysis of military exams

The cost-benefit analysis, conducted by a national nonprofit research group, found comprehensive eye exams for all service members more cost-effective relative to basic acuity screenings.

AOA Foundation disaster fund provides shot in arm to devastated practices

With 2024 winding down, how do you help support colleagues enduring an unexpected disaster?

Identifying reading difficulties in children

How to differentiate between various visual problems and provide timely and effective intervention.

West Virginia Doctors of Optometry

By investing in the WVOP-PAC, doctors are helping to safeguard our position as WV's #1 Primary Eye Care Physicians as well as our independence and our expanding scope of practice.
Doctor of Optometry

Our Partners for West Virginia American Optometric Association